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kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 3 Chapter 25


ばく / Baku Story
hakase mizuki
Chapter 5
Akane-chan Overdrive

Akane-chan Overdrive

Akane-chan Overdrive / Akanechan Over Drive / Akanechan Overdrive
kawashita mizuki / momokuri mikan
Shoujo(G),Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Supernatural
Chapter 3
Baku Story

Baku Story

ばく / Baku / my story
hakase mizuki
Chapter 8
Aru Hi Bijin ni Nattara

Aru Hi Bijin ni Nattara

ある日美人になったら / If Became a Beauty One Day / If I Became a Beauty One Day
yorita miyuki / mizuki mio / nakamura miho / takeda yotsuba / amagaya chiaki / ono natsumi / makimura kumi
Volume 1 Chapter 1
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Shinitagari no Pierrot

"Bungaku Shoujo" to Shinitagari no Pierrot

"A Literary Girl" and a Clown who Dreamed of Dying / "Bungaku Shoujo" to Shi ni Tagari no Douke / "Bungaku Shoujo" to Shinitagari no Pierrot / สาววรรณกรรม/ปริศนาตัวตลกผู้สิ้นหวัง / “文学少女”と死にたがりの道化【ピエロ】 / Book Girl and the Suicidal Mime / Bungaku Shoujo to Shi ni Tagari no Douke / Bungaku Shoujo to Shi ni Tagari no Pierrot / 文学少女与想死的小丑
nomura mizuki / kousaka rito / takeoka miho
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Chapter 22
Akane-chan Overdrive

Akane-chan Overdrive

kawashita mizuki
Shoujo(G),Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Supernatural
Chapter 10
Boku to Rune to Aoarashi

Boku to Rune to Aoarashi

fumizuki kou
Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
vol.3 chapter 021
Bashful Little Hime-chan

Bashful Little Hime-chan

mizuki maya
Comedy,Shoujo ai
Chapter 8
Advance of Z - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

Advance of Z - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

アドバンス・オブ・Z / アドバンス・オブ・Z~ティターンズの旗のもとに~ / Advance of Ζ: The Flag of Titans / Advance of Z - The Flag of Titans / Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans
tomino yoshiyuki & yatate hajime / mizuki tatsu
Chapter 1
Atashi no Idol

Atashi no Idol

kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Romance,School Life
Chapter 1
Baku Story

Baku Story

ばく / Baku / my story
hakase mizuki
Volume 2 Chapter 8
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Yuurei

"Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Yuurei

" / Bungaku Shoujo" / to Ue Kawaku Ghost / Book Girl and the Famished Spirit / ”文学少女”と飢え渇く幽霊
nomura mizuki
Chapter 7
3, Street of Mysteries

3, Street of Mysteries

mizuki shigeru
Chapter 17
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Yuurei

"Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Yuurei

"A Literary Girl" and a Ghost who Hunger and Thirst / "Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Ghost / สาววรรณกรรมกับวิญญาณผู้หิวโหย / ”文学少女”と飢え渇く幽霊【ゴースト】 / Book Girl and the Famished Spirit
nomura mizuki / kousaka rito
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 7
Akiiro Bousou Biyori

Akiiro Bousou Biyori

あきいろ ぼうそう びより / 秋色妄想日和 / Autumn weather obsession
kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Atashi no Idol

Atashi no Idol

kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Atashi no Idol

🇫🇷Atashi no Idol

kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Ane Doki

Ane Doki

kawashita, mizuki
Chapter 26
Atashi no Idol

🇪🇸Atashi no Idol

kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Bashful Little Hime-chan

Bashful Little Hime-chan

mizuki maya
Comedy,Shoujo ai
Volume 1 Chapter 2
My Idol

My Idol

My Idol / Boku no Idol
kawashita mizuki
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life
Chapter 0
Akiiro Bousou Biyori

Akiiro Bousou Biyori

kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Boku to Rune to Aoarashi

🇪🇸Boku to Rune to Aoarashi

僕とルネと青嵐 / Me, Renee and Blue Skies
fumizuki kou
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life
Chapter 8
Advance of Z - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

Advance of Z - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

アドバンス・オブ・Z / アドバンス・オブ・Z~ティターンズの旗のもとに~ / Advance of Ζ: The Flag of Titans / Advance of Z - The Flag of Titans / Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans
tomino yoshiyuki / yatate hajime / mizuki tatsu
Chapter 11
Cocoa Theory

Cocoa Theory

ココアリロン / Cocoa Riron
mizuki maya
Comedy,School Life,Shoujo ai
Chapter 0
Ane Doki!

Ane Doki!

あねどきっ / 御姐进行时 / 心跳体验 / 恋姐症候 / Ane Doki / Ane Dokii / Ane Doki~ / Ane-doki / Anedoki- / Anedoki
kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Gegege no Kitarou

Gegege no Kitarou

Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro / GeGeGe no Kitaro / Hakaba no Kitaro
mizuki shigeru
Chapter 46
"Aoi" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro......

🇵🇹"Aoi" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro......

Aoi - When Hikaru was on the Earth / “葵" ヒカルが地球にいたころ…… / “葵”光还在地球的时候……
nomura mizuki / yamasaki fuua / chun
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Chapter 1
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Yuurei

🇪🇸"Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Yuurei

"A Literary Girl" and a Ghost who Hunger and Thirst / "Bungaku Shoujo" to Ue Kawaku Ghost / สาววรรณกรรมกับวิญญาณผู้หิวโหย / ”文学少女”と飢え渇く幽霊【ゴースト】 / Book Girl and the Famished Spirit
nomura mizuki / kousaka rito
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 7
Advance of Ζ - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

Advance of Ζ - Titans no Hata no Moto ni

Advance of Ζ - The Flag of Titans / Advance of Ζ: The Flag of Titans / Advance of Z ティターンズの旗のもとに / Advance of Z: Titans no Hata no Moto ni / Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans / Advance of Zeta: Titans no Hata no Moto ni / AOZとも略される / アドバンス・オブ・Z / アドバンス・オブ・Z~ティターンズの旗のもとに~ / Kidou Senshi Gundam - Advance of Ζ: The Flag of Titans / Mobile Suit Gundam - Advance of Ζ: The Flag of Titans
tomino yoshiyuki / yatate hajime / mizuki tatsu
Volume 2 Chapter 12
“Garo” Keisai Sakuhin (Mizuki Shigeru  Taizenshū)

“Garo” Keisai Sakuhin (Mizuki Shigeru Taizenshū)

『ガロ』掲載作品 (水木しげる漫画大全集)
mizuki shigeru
Volume 1 Chapter 29
Baku (Mizuki Hakase)

🇻🇳Baku (Mizuki Hakase)

ばく / Baku Story
mizuki hakase
Chapter 5
Ai Yori Aoshi

Ai Yori Aoshi

藍より青し / 青出于蓝 / Azul / Bleu Indigo / Bluer than Indigo
fumizuki kou
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,Slice of Life
Volume 3 Chapter 24
Boku no Idol

Boku no Idol

ボクのアイドル / 我的偶像 / Boku no Aidoru / My Idol (KAWASHITA Mizuki)
kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life
Chapter 0
Boku no Idol (KAWASHITA Mizuki)

Boku no Idol (KAWASHITA Mizuki)

ボクのアイドル / 我的偶像 / Boku no Aidoru / My Idol (KAWASHITA Mizuki)
kawashita mizuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life
Chapter 0