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Tameiki no Gogo

Tameiki no Gogo

ため息の午後 / It Takes a Rebel
stephanie bond
Chapter 5
Kakumei no Hi

Kakumei no Hi

革命の日 / Kakumei no Hi / Day of Revolution
tsuda mikiyo
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Gender Bender,Harem,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 4
Kagerou Meikyuu

Kagerou Meikyuu

Amnesia Labyrinth / 蜻蛉迷宮
tanigawa nagaru / natsumi kohane
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 8
Yumeiro Patissiere

🇪🇸Yumeiro Patissiere

Dream-Colored Pastry Chef / Yume-Iro Pâtissière / Yumeiro Pâtissière
matsumoto natsumi
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Cooking,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Fujimura-kun Mates

Fujimura-kun Mates

藤村くんメイツ / Fujimura-kun Meitsu / Подружка для Фуджимура-куна
shiki seiichi
Shounen(B),Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 3
Yumeiro Button

🇹🇷Yumeiro Button

hoshimori yukimo
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Yumeiro Patissiere

Yumeiro Patissiere

Dream-Colored Pastry Chef / Yume-Iro Pâtissier / Yume-Iro Patissier / Yumeiro Patissiere
matsumoto, natsumi (story & art)
Chapter 35
Yumeiro Button

Yumeiro Button

hoshimori yukimo
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Daidai wa, Hantoumei ni Nidonesuru

Daidai wa, Hantoumei ni Nidonesuru

橙は、半透明に二度寝する / Daidai wa / Hantoumei ni Nidone suru
abe youichi
Shounen(B),Drama,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 15
Yowamushi Meikyuu

🇫🇷Yowamushi Meikyuu

Yowamushi Meikyû
minami kanan
Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Kakumeiki Valvrave

Kakumeiki Valvrave

革命機ヴァルヴレイヴ / VALVRAVE / Valvrave the Liberator
sunrise / tsuchiya karegashi
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Drama,Mecha,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Yowamushi Meikyuu

🇪🇸Yowamushi Meikyuu

Yowamushi Meikyû
minami kanan
Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Mei no Naisho

Mei no Naisho

Mei s Secret / Mei no Naisho Make Miracle
kusaka, shiroi (story & art)
Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Magic,School Life
Chapter 8
Undead King

Undead King

mei lan man cheng
Chapter 3
Kakumeiki Valvrave - Ryuusei no Valkyrie

Kakumeiki Valvrave - Ryuusei no Valkyrie

革命機ヴァルヴレイヴ 流星の乙女 / 革命机Valvrave 流星的少女 / Kakumeiki Valvrave - Ryuusei no Otome / Kakumeiki Valvrave - Ryuusei no Otome (Valkyrie) / Valvrave the Liberator - Valkyrie of the Meteor
nagai shingo / ohori yutaka
Volume 2 Chapter 10
Unmei no Oaite wa?

Unmei no Oaite wa?

運命のお相手は? / To Marry a Stranger
renee roszel
Chapter 1
Ameiro Paradox

🇵🇹Ameiro Paradox

Amber Paradox / Candy-Colored Paradox / 糖稀色相悖论 / 飴色パラドックス / 明黄色相悖论
natsume isaku
Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Drama,Shounen ai
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Unmei No Yoru Ni

Unmei No Yoru Ni

運命の夜に / Maddie's Love-child
miranda lee
Chapter 1
Kyoumei suru Echo

Kyoumei suru Echo

共鳴するエコー / Asymmetry / Kyoumeisuru Echo / Lonesome Echo / Runner's High
kigi tatsumi
Drama,Shoujo ai
Chapter 6


ヨメイロちょいす / 요메이로 초이스 / Yomeiro Choice / Yomeiro Choisu
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Smut,Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Meiji Hiiro Kitan

Meiji Hiiro Kitan

A Scarlet Romance of the Meiji Era
Chapter 21
Vahlia no Hanamuko

Vahlia no Hanamuko

ヴァーリアの花婿 / Ginsekai no Shoumei / Lullaby for a Dragon / Otogibanashi no Fude / Ryuu no Moriuta / The Dragon's Lullaby / Vahlia's Bridegroom
akizuki sorata
Chapter 4
Kamisama to Unmei Kakumei no Cross Thesis

🇪🇸Kamisama to Unmei Kakumei no Cross Thesis

The Awakened Fate Ultimatum
nippon ichi software / peke
Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 1


トゥモロウズ / 为明日而战 / Tomorrows アンアンたちの革命 / Tomorrows - Anantachi no Kakumei / Yesterday's Children
deguchi masato
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Goshimei Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Goshimei Arigatou Gozaimasu!

miasa rin
Shoujo(G),Slice of Life
Chapter 4
Shinden Yuuden Kakumei-hen - Ochita Kuroi Yuusha no Densetsu

Shinden Yuuden Kakumei-hen - Ochita Kuroi Yuusha no Densetsu

真伝勇伝・革命編 堕ちた黒い勇者の伝説 / Shin DenYuuDen Kakumeihen - Ochita Kuroi Yuusha no Densetsu / Shinden Yuuden Kakumeihen - Ochita Kuroi Yuusha no Densetsu
kagami takaya / hozumi riya
Chapter 1
Konya mo Jirettai

Konya mo Jirettai

今夜もじれったい / Can’t Wait Until Tonight
kitazawa jinko / asada meiko
Drama,Romance,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Chapter 8
Waruiko Demo Ii?

Waruiko Demo Ii?

悪いコでもイイ? / 悪いコでもイイ? / 愛上壞壞的男孩 / Tendre Voyou 2 (French) / Warui ko Demo ii? / Waruiko Demo Ii / Waruiko DemoIi?
sakuraga mei
Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Chapter 7
Mel Kano

Mel Kano

mel.kano / Mel Kano / Meiru Kanojo / Mail Girlfriend
oshima, towa (story & art)
Chapter 34
Saijou no Meii

🇮🇩Saijou no Meii

顶尖神医 / Saijo no Meii / The Best Skilled Surgeon / 最上の命医 / Najlepiej wykwalifikowany chirurg
hashiguchi takashi / irie kenzou
Volume 9 Chapter 80
Kimi wa Toumei

Kimi wa Toumei

きみは透明 / 透明的妳
fujio nami
Comedy,Romance,School Life,Sports
Chapter 3
Saijou no Meii

Saijou no Meii

顶尖神医 / Saijo no Meii / The Best Skilled Surgeon / 最上の命医 / Najlepiej wykwalifikowany chirurg
hashiguchi takashi / irie kenzou
Volume 7 Chapter 60
Saijou no Meii

🇫🇷Saijou no Meii

顶尖神医 / Saijo no Meii / The Best Skilled Surgeon / 最上の命医 / Najlepiej wykwalifikowany chirurg
hashiguchi takashi / irie kenzou
Volume 6 Chapter 48
Fumetsu no Hana

Fumetsu no Hana

不滅の花 / Where Have All the Flowers Gone
kamei takahide
Drama,Shounen ai
Chapter 14
Kimochi no Yukue (MEIJI Kanako)

Kimochi no Yukue (MEIJI Kanako)

キモチの行方 / The Object of My Affection (MEIJI Kanako)
meiji kanako
Chapter 3
Saijou no Meii

🇪🇸Saijou no Meii

顶尖神医 / Saijo no Meii / The Best Skilled Surgeon / 最上の命医 / Najlepiej wykwalifikowany chirurg
hashiguchi takashi / irie kenzou
Volume 4 Chapter 34