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Jaryuu Tensei
seto meguru / hashimoto yuushi / jaryuu tensei 28
Jaryuu Tensei
Evil Dragon Reincarnation: Even in another world I am still me / 邪竜転生 ~異世界行っても俺は俺~ / 사룡전생 / Jaryuu Tensei: Isekai Ittemo Ore wa Ore / Jyaryu Tensei
hashimoto yuushi / setomeguru
🇹🇷Jaryuu Tensei
Evil Dragon Reincarnation: Even in another world I am still me / 邪竜転生 ~異世界行っても俺は俺~ / 사룡전생 / Jaryuu Tensei: Isekai Ittemo Ore wa Ore
hashimoto yuushi / setomeguru
🇪🇸Jaryuu Tensei
Evil Dragon Reincarnation: Even in another world I am still me / 邪竜転生 ~異世界行っても俺は俺~ / 사룡전생 / Jaryuu Tensei: Isekai Ittemo Ore wa Ore
hashimoto yuushi / setomeguru
Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon: Kossori Kitaete Sekai Saikyou
Special training in the Secret Dungeon / 俺だけ入れる隠しダンジョン ~こっそり鍛えて世界最強~
meguru seto / note takehana / ore dake haireru kakushi dungeon: kossori kitaete sekai saikyou 37
The Strongest Brave Man of the Black Wizard
Hero of Darkness / Shikkoku Saikyo / Shikkoku Tsukai No Saikyou Yuusha ~Nakama Zenin Ni Uragirareta No De Saikyou No Mamono To Kumimasu~ / The Brave Jet Black Wizard: I Got Betrayed By My Comrades So I United With The Ultimate Monster / 漆黒使いの最強勇者 〜仲間全員に裏切られた
seto meguru / yuri kimura / the strongest brave man of the black wizard 6
Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon: Kossori Kitaete Sekai Saikyou (Official)
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter / 俺だけ入れる隠しダンジョン ~こっそり鍛えて世界最強~
Meguru Seto / Tomoyuki Hino
The Strongest Hero: Envoy of Darkness -Betrayed by His Comrades, the Strongest Hero Joins Forces with the Strongest Monster- (Official)
Hero of Darkness / Shikkoku Saikyo / Shikkoku Tsukai no Saikyo Yusha Nakama Zen'in ni Uragira retanode Saikyo no Mamono / Shikkoku Tsukai no Saikyou Yuusha / The Brave Jet Black Wizard: I Got Betrayed by My Comrades so I United with the Ultimate Monster / The Strongest Brave Man of the Black Wizard / Shikkoku Tsukai no Saikyou Yuusha: Nakama Zenin ni Uragirareta node Saikyou no Mamono to Kumimasu / 漆黑使的最強勇者 被所有伙伴拋棄后與最強魔物為伍 / 漆黒使いの最強勇者 / 漆黒使いの最強勇者 仲間全員に裏切られたので最強の魔物と組みます / 칠흑사의 최강용사 / 칠흑사의 최강용사 ~동료 전원에게 배신당했으므로 최강의 마물과 팀이 된다~
Seto Meguru / Yuri Kimura
The Reincarnated Evil Dragon (Official)
Evil Dragon Reincarnation / Evil Dragon Reincarnation: Even in another world I am still me / The Reincarnated Evil Dragon / Jaryuu Tensei / Réincarnation en Dragon maléfique : Même dans un autre monde je suis toujours moi-même / Реинкарнация Злобного дракона / 邪竜転生 / 邪竜転生 ~異世界行っても俺は俺~ / 邪龍轉生 / 사룡전생
Seto Meguru / Hashimoto Yuushi