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Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts

🇨🇳Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts

公主她始乱终弃后 / Gong Zhu Ta Shi Luan Zhong Qi Hou
之臻 / 樰宝子
Chapter 25
The princess after she has had her way

The princess after she has had her way

公主她始乱终弃后 / Gõngzhú Tã Shì Luàn Zhõng Qì Hòu / The princess after she has had her way with you / The princess after she has abandoned you
不懒文化 (not lazy culture) / 之臻 (Zizhen) / 樰宝子(baozhi)
🇨🇳Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Royal family,Royalty
Drop Notice
I Played with the Lord's Feelings

I Played with the Lord's Feelings

Gong Zhu Ta Shi Luan Zhong Qi Hou / Gōng Zhǔ Tā Shǐ Luàn Zhōng Qì Hòu / Princess Herself Is the Queen of Broken Hearts / The Princess After She Has Had Her Way / 公主她始乱终弃后
之臻,樰宝子 / 不懒文化
🇨🇳Manhua,Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Reverse Harem,Romance,Royal family,Royalty
Chapter 34